There are so many wonderful countries in Europe, which are culturally diverse and visually attractive, that Lithuania often gets lost in the news cycle and travel reports. However, this small yet proud country has a lot to offer to the world, especially the gorgeous Lithuanian women.
The population of Lithuania is not big, but this country and its people have been through a lot. Until a few decades ago, Lithuania was part of the Soviet Union, but now the state is constantly making huge effort to break away from the Soviet baggage.
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Many girls in Lithuania are looking for foreign marriage opportunities, and the demand for them has been steadily growing. When you talk to a beautiful Lithuanian woman, you will quickly understand why so many Western men dream of one day marrying a Lithuanian beauty.

Why are Lithuanian brides so popular?
The popularity of Lithuania girls for marriage is a combination of several factors. These are the five most important things to look forward to if you decided to make a Lithuanian woman your lawful wife.
If one of your main requirements for your future wife is her beautiful features, it is completely understandable — it is hard to feel the attraction to a woman if she is not aesthetically pleasing to you. The good news is that there is nothing to worry about in this regard when it comes to Lithuanian women.
It’s worth noting that Lithuania is not a very diverse country in terms of women’s appearance. However, if you have a certain beauty ideal that you want to see as your wife, you will feel right at home in Lithuania.
Long and straight blonde hair, green or blue eyes, and delicate facial features are just some of the things you will see when you are looking for Lithuanian brides. Their bodies are naturally slim, and Lithuanian women are some of the most athletic ladies in Europe, which gives them toned and strong figures for years.
Lithuanian girls are big fans of natural beauty. They will never go overboard with makeup, clothes, body modifications, or hair colors and designs. Instead, they prefer to enhance what nature gave them with masterful use of natural-looking makeup, tasteful clothes, and neat hairstyles.
Being located right between the Soviet Empire and the most developed European countries shaped the values and beliefs of Lithuanian women in a completely unique way that will undoubtedly create a foundation for a happy marriage.

Like European women, Lithuanian brides are very career-oriented and fight for equal career opportunities and competitive salaries. They are able to be their own providers and know that when they are on their own, they can only depend on themselves.
However, like Soviet and Russian women, Lithuanian girls love to have a gentleman by their side. They will not put up a fight if you want to pick up the check after a restaurant date. They will be pleasantly surprised when you open the car door for them and help them take off the coat.
When Lithuanian women start their own families, they keep the same beliefs. They will love to continue working even after marriage as long as their career does not interfere with the comfort and well-being of their family. If they notice that something doesn’t feel right, they will not hesitate to put their career on hold and attend to family matters.
If you prefer your partner to be well-read, educated, and to have a wide outlook, Lithuanian women should be on top of your potential marriage candidates. These ladies are some of the most fiercely intelligent people on the continent.
There are two reasons why they are so clever. The first one is the Lithuanian education system which was inherited from the Soviet Union and which gives a nearly unlimited access to high-quality education to everyone in the country.
The second reason for the intelligence of Lithuanian girls is that they are always hungry for more knowledge. They grow up as fond lovers of books, and this love does not go anywhere. You are more likely to come home to your Lithuanian wife reading one of the world’s classics rather than browsing social media or playing a time-killing game.
Homemaking skills
Any man married to a Lithuanian woman should consider himself extremely lucky, and homemaking skills of Lithuanian brides are one of the biggest reasons to be very proud of your choice of a life companion.

For a Lithuanian girl, taking care of the house and cooking are not tiresome chores. It is their way of sharing their love with the members of the family and making sure everyone is comfortable and completely satisfied.
It seems like girls in Lithuania are born already with excellent cooking skills. Then they grow up watching their mothers and grandmothers do magic in the kitchen. By the time a typical Lithuanian girl reaches the age to consider marriage, she is as skilled in the kitchen as the world’s most renowned chefs.
Coming home every evening will be the highlight of your day, and not just because you get to see your beautiful Lithuanian wife, but also because you get to experience the cooking, cleaning, and home decoration skills that make Lithuanian brides so coveted.
One of the biggest joys of being in a relationship with a Lithuanian beauty is how loved you will feel every day of your marriage. Lithuanian women are very easy to be around, they are a joy to talk to, and they are able to make any man happier just by being around.
If you have only heard one or two things about Lithuanian brides, you may have heard the unfair rumor that these women are cold, unwelcoming, and even sometimes rude. However, those rumors are nothing more than a result of a bruised ego of a man that has been rejected.
The truth is that Lithuanian girls are very warm, pleasant to be around, and passionate, but only as long as they know you have the right intentions and they see a future with you. Once the two of you are on the same page in terms of your relationship, you will never experience a communication problem with your Lithuanian sweetheart.
One more thing to know about the fantastic Lithuanian brides is that they are down-to-earth and realistic. Unlike some other European girls, they don’t set extremely high standards for the men they meet. As a result, they will never have unrealistic expectations from your relationship and will be happy if you are simply there for them and you really care.
How are Lithuanian brides different from Russian brides?
Lithuania and Russia have a lot of shared past because of the Soviet Union roots, but that is not the reason to think that Russian and Lithuanian mail order brides are completely identical. It’s true that these two types of brides share some similarities, but there are many essential differences to keep in mind.
You can see the first major difference when you simply compare the looks of a Russian and Lithuanian bride. They may have similar facial features and natural coloring, but the way they present themselves to the world is completely different. Russian women believe it’s their duty to always wear a full face of makeup, trendy clothes, and elaborate hairdos. Lithuanian brides are much more casual in this regard and often wear little to no makeup with the exception of special occasions.
Another big difference can be easily noticed in the attitude towards marriage and family. For many Russian women, marriage is the ultimate life goal and they are prepared to do anything to get married as soon as possible. Lithuanian women are much more self-sufficient. They are able to just live their lives hoping for the right man to come along. That is why convincing a Lithuanian girl to marry you may take more effort, but in the end, it will also be more rewarding.
Where to find a Lithuanian bride
Lithuania is such a small country that you have probably never considered visiting it as a tourist or for work. Luckily, thanks to the development of modern technology, now you don’t have to spend a huge budget on traveling to Lithuania and looking for your potential wife.
What if we told you that there are thousands of Lithuanian brides ready to get married within a few clicks? The numerous international dating sites with young and gorgeous Lithuanian brides give you an opportunity to sign up for a website and find your soulmate sooner than you ever hoped.
Whether you are an experienced online dating site user or have never tried looking for a bride online before, we understand that you may feel worried and uncertain about the whole thing. That is why we have prepared a variety of tools for you to feel more confident on your journey. Guides to European brides, detailed reviews of the most popular dating sites, and helpful dating tips are already waiting for you on our website!