If you look closely, the women of each nation are somewhat different, or rather, have their own distinctive features. Slavic girls, despite their inclination to hard work, always look pretty, while their simplicity attracts attention. The Germans are famous for their infinite independence and strong character. In England, women prefer a strict classical style. Speaking of French girls, it’s a completely different story. They bring together lightness, tenderness, elegance and charm. What other traits make French women inherently unique? Let’s find out
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They are Easy Going
It is hard to imagine a girl from France who doesn’t like life with all its ups and downs. Girls in this country are unfamiliar with depression or hysteria. They love taking initiative in their own hands and be active. The weaker sex here is famous for its moderate and attractive recklessness in actions. They just do what they want without asking others for permission.
In challenging life situations, beautiful French women stay reserved and continue to behave calmly and easily. They do not like to open their personal issues to everyone. Another interesting point is that these girls never give up and are always ready to regain strength and start the same thing again. They can easily forget resentment and anxiety. French blood boils in the heart of every girl, regardless of age. This can be called the reason for the frequent change of French girls’ image.
Every French girl loves dynamics and movement in whatever thing they do. More importantly, their mood depends on this approach. But they also have a simplified attitude to life too, which makes them undeterred of daily challenges and regular tasks. This ease may seem strange and even depressing to many, but for them it’s a way of life.

They are Avid Сareerists
Once you take a look at modern French women, you can notice that they love working a lot. Seeking job opportunities and career prospects is one of the main pursuits for French girls. That’s because for them, self-realization is key to a prosperous life, meaning that they don’t depend on men in most cases.
But who said multitasking is something they can’t handle? Sitting at home with children while working is a regular duty of most French women. They do love children and take the responsibility of raising them pleasurably. Simultaneously, their ardent desire for something new almost all the time manifests itself in a successful career.
They are Real Gourmets
The culinary matter in France is very interesting – the local women believe that heavy snacks will contribute to their weight in a negative way. Therefore, you have to try really hard to find at least one chubby French woman. Slimness is the standard of beauty.
Hence, most French girls cook healthy food. And when it comes to dinner, every woman of French origin treats it with great respect. This has been the case since the Middle Ages. All friends and relatives summon and always spend time at the table, talking about life.
French women are characterized by the fact that they know how to enjoy life. And to this you can include the love for food. However, they do not like to limit themselves to their favorite and casual treats only. They prefer tasty and gourmet food too.
Notably, females of this nation enjoy not so much the amount of consumed food, but rather the taste of it. Such a vision helps them not only always be slim but also happy.

They Know The Value of Self-Worth
You can describe the character of any French woman in one word – healthy self-esteem. Girls in the country of love are not used to another treatment except gallant one. But at the same time, they never set impossible bars in terms of treatment and thus have an adequate attitude to men, without exaggerated expectations.
They will never stoop to scandal in a public place, for that will be regarded as a mauvais ton. Even if they raise their voice, they never use foul language. In view of this, beautiful french women have invented an unspoken rule that says “Politeness comes first”. Hot french girls love to smile at everyone and be a little frivolous. They are likewise ready to help and show their compassion anytime someone needs it.
They Love Wholeheartedly
Many believe that French ladies are born with the ability to flirt. Indeed, this is not just a manner of communication, but a vital necessity. All sexy french women hone this skill masterfully from their youth.
They flirt anywhere, but only with the guys they truly like. They don’t even care that a person of the opposite sex has chilren. French women are not afraid to approach a man of her dreams in a public place. If they like someone, they immediately go into battle and do not think about the consequences. In addition, they do not expect offers from men. For them, the main role is devoted to passion in relationships. And then, if both find the conditions for relationship development convenient, comes affection, care, and warmth to the man a woman has chosen.
They Have a Sublime Sense of Fashion
French women dress ordinarily – casual style is most often found among ordinary girls in a hurry to work or studies. It is appropriate to mention jeans and sweaters, flat shoes – in fact everything that is functional and comfortable. Accessories are welcomed too – scarves and glasses, brooches, umbrellas and stylish bags. But you will not find any sign of extravaganza here – hair gathered in a tail, minimum cosmetics, pastel colors in clothes.
There are, however, some quarters of Paris that are especially fashionable, selected ones. There, French women are slightly different. Namely, consistent with fashion trends, but their lifestyle involves the creation of such an image. But for the ordinary French woman – persistent, purposeful and independent – too sophisticated outfits and high heels will create only additional difficulties.
But you should not think that French women belong to a sort of “aunts”. Not at all! The simplicity of their outfit is not an accidental choice or something lurid and deeply loose. All shades and styles of clothing are perfectly matched, the look is neat and fresh. You should not buy into beauty only – you can’t buy bread for it, women in France say. And this is something they are definitely right about.
What Makes French Brides so Strikingly Alluring?
You can talk a lot about the fact that real femme française is a pure feminist and spend hours arguing whether this is true or not. But one fact is obvious – french brides are very independent. And it’s not for show. It’s just normal for them to pay the bill in the restaurant themselves and not point a finger in the window, demanding another (and probably unnecessary) thing from the man.
Plus, hot French women never forget about themselves. Why? Because absolutely every French bride regularly takes care of her skin. Not only when they are going out, but always, day after day. Even if she returns at 4 in the morning, she immediately makes herself a refreshing mask. Considering leisure and activities, even grandmothers go to cafes in Paris, do not refuse from dates, tie an elegant neckerchief to hide little wrinkles that have appeared. They take care of their figure which doesn’t worsen even after 40.

How Are French Brides Different from Russian Brides?
What then can you learn from the French? Apparently, l’art de vivre – the art of living. French women are characterized by a simple perception of life. They do not like to boast of their problems to friends but overcome all difficulties on their way with a sincere smile. Unlike Russian tragedy and the “heavy female destiny” that Russian girls are famous for, their image has the exact opposite depiction – the ability to easily accept all the vicissitudes of fate. That is what makes French mail order brides so French!
On the flip side, Russian brides are more caring as they choose to devote much of their time to family. Consequently, they’re more housewify, which explains why not every Russian woman has a stable career and bright business prospects. But of course, there are exceptions to this rule too.
Where to Find French Brides?
You can find french mail order bride virtually anywhere if you’re in Paris. Bars, cafes, clubs, theater – any place will be right if you find enough courage to approach her and start the conversation. But let’s admit it: the chances of meeting the one and only in public places are low, especially if you don’t have any particular idea of how french brides for marriage should look like. That’s why you can always count on marriage agency. By registering, you can select a woman for chatting based on specific parameters, such as height, weight, and others.
If you manage to find your female, keep in mind that dating a french woman will definitely enrich your consciousness with new experience. She will certainly ensnare you with her charm, but don’t be afraid – a contemporary French girl is not your another femme fatale. Rather, she’s a sublime yet earthbound individual, ready to support you and family without letting the fire between you subside.